Product Info
H nano seal is an innovative protective lacquer, based on a patent-protected silicone polymer. H nano seal forms a very strong adhesion on the enamel or dentin. Features: - Genuine nano-technology. - No etching, no polymerization. - Transparent - no stains. - Numerous applications, regardless of the age of the patient. - Increase of the enamel resistance. - Ability to remineralize. - Open dentin tubules are getting closed. - Protection of the surface against acid attack. - Exceptional adhesion to the tooth surface. - Immediate and sustained release of fluorine. Easy handling: - Fast application, fast drying. Pack contains: - 1 x 5 ml Bottle. - 20 x Disposable brushes. - 1 x Application tray. **For further product information, please contact Chat Support**
1 Pack