Product Info

Finale wax smoother: Characteristics: - Smoother surfaces of wax modulations, scratches, and uneven surfaces disappear. - slim layer - approx. 2-3 my. - Good adaption to the wax surface short drying time - depending on the layer thickness 1 - 3 minutes. - Better casting results - smooth and homogeneous surfaces. - Shorter finishing time. Fields of application: - Smoothening of wax surfaces - occlusal areas, wax modulations within the denture technique. - Reinforcement of contact points casting technique. - Smoothening of wax profiles and contact points. - Sealing of finest fissures between plaster and wax profiles. - Avoids the flowing in of investment material. **For further product information, please contact Chat Support**

Finale Wax Smoothing Liquid 18 ml

1 Bottle 18 ml